Provides a unique, more energy efficient Net Zero Energy (NZE) housing solution. Turn key structural system out sourced to large scale developers/builders. Centurion NZE system achieves significant 45% lower level of

GHG emissions vs traditional building, likely qualifying for DOE Title 17 award of $100 million+ in low cost debt financing.

Centurion concrete/steel structure involves system build automation that is faster and more cost effective. More resilient structure safer for inhabitants; lowers total cost of ownership given greater insurability and lower maintenance cost; provides higher asset value (8% to 10%) with incorporated benefit of a DER energy system.

Unique AI BIM modeling capability compresses the upfront development phase from 6–8 months to 6–8 weeks. Further vertical development phase more on the order of 9 to 12 months versus up to 18 months with conventional building practices.

Market Opportunity

Housing industry increasing adoption of Green Build measures in response to changing market dynamics.

  • Industry historically wedded to traditional “stick build” approach of last 50 years. Unsustainable.
    –  Homes/commercial structures account for 40% of energy generated, twice the level of GHG as gas
    powered automobiles.
    – Largest segment of new home buyers/renters – Millennial, favor environmentally sensitive housing. Will be dominant home buying segment next 10 years.
  • Per 2024 Dodge-NHBA report, 34% of new home builders focused on increasing Green Build features. #1area is sustainable energy.
  • Emerging measure of energy efficiency is structure certified as Net Zero Energy ready.
  • Department of Energy ( DOE) proactive with multiple financial incentives to encourage adoption of more energy sensitive structures. Includes Title 17 financing of $100.0 M in non recourse debt supporting energy based innovation and 45L of $5,000 per door income tax credit for achieving NZE ready threshold. Centuri- on uniquely qualifies for both.
  • Growing concern about safety in areas threatened with increasing tropical storms and correspondingly rise in property insurance cost provides added inducement for more resilient concrete/steel housing such as Centurion.

